
Honeycomb Cannabis Concentrate

Honeycomb Cannabis Concentrate, or pie crust marijuana concentrates are a form of hydrocarbon extract, which simply means that the concentrates are extracted using solvents such as propane or butane. Honeycomb gets its name from its highly stable, consistency that resembles honeycomb or pie crusts. Unlike some other forms of concentrates, honeycomb is almost always made using a solvent to extract the compounds from the flower, otherwise, its signature texture could not be produced.

What is the use of honeycomb then? The use of honeycomb is similar to that of many other hydrocarbon extracts. Specifically, employing a device known as a “dab rig.” Dab rigs include a flat bowl termed a “nail” in place of a glass bowl, despite having a functional design that is remarkably similar to that of traditional bongs or water pipes. The honeycomb ‘dab’ is applied to the nail after it has been briefly heated rather of placing cannabis flower in the bowl. In order for the extract to evaporate and be breathed, it is then applied to the cooled but still hot nail.

honeycomb Equipment and Ingredients Necessary:
Butane canisters
Extraction tubes
A large glass dish to collect the extract
Silkscreen material
Hose clamps
Parchment paper
Razor blades
A vacuum oven or chamber
The manufacturer grinds all of the flower or shake that they’re going to blast.
The stems and undesirable leaves are removed from the ground pile of marijuana.
The extraction tubes are packed with the ground cannabis, making sure it’s tightly packed so that air bubbles aren’t present. However, it must still be loose enough that the butane can travel easily throughout.